Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day Thirty Two

Today was very relaxing. Of course, when I said that to my wife, she said, "I didn't realize the other days weren't!" Nice.

Today was "Retreat Day" - no, it is not a reenactment of every French battle. We left at 0815 for Victory Ranch, which is a Christian campsite dedicated to taking care of the troops. They provide a place to unwind and relax, and receive spiritual guidance, as well. We got there at about 0900 - they had a breakfast put out - I had strawberries and coffee - and we all spent an hour eating and "fellowshipping."
At breakfast. L to R: Courtland Pitt, Matt Zimmerman, Ch Hamel, and staff member

Afterwards, we all gathered in a room, and Ch Hamel asked what we each do - outside of the context our religions' rituals - to connect to God. It was an important question. We talked for a while, and then he led us on a self-hypnosis routine, which he called the "Centering Prayer" - really just a way to turn off the noise around us and reconnect.
Sitting around before the "Centering Prayer" - on the couches (L toR): Tara Dixon, Micah Baker, Matt Zimmerman, Robert Tilley. Ch Hamel has his back to the camera on the far right (blue checked shirt)
From 1000 to 1200, we each went outside and did our own "connecting." It was absolutely gorgeous outside. The grounds have a lake and a barn - there are picnic tables and Adirondack chairs all around - it was truly idyllic.
Standing on the porch, looking out

Ch Tilley in a canoe, as part of his meditation period
I sat at a picnic table and read Lazar Brody's book, The Train to Tranquility, which I am enjoying very much. It is a Rav Nachman approach to Anger management.

At 1200, we came in for lunch. I had my microwavable lentil stew and a package of tuna, while they all had a buffet lunch... From 1300 until 1500 everyone did their own thing. Some guys went fishing, other played ball. I studied for our test tomorrow. We left at 1500 and got home at 1530. I had a 1.5 hours to do my laundry, because at 1700 a bunch of us met for Wallyball! I never played this before - it is AWESOME!! It is volleyball in a racquetball court - and you can use the walls and ceiling!

Not us - just to show you what it  looks like
We played for an hour and half - and there was no AC in the gym. We were DRENCHED! But it was just so much fun!!!

Upon return, a shower, and dinner, I packed my duffel for our "deployment" next week. Tomorrow - after the test - we are having a "bag drag." That is when you bring your bag for inspection - everything is dumped out and inventoried to see if you have all the things you were told to bring. We will also be issued our sleeping bags and other stuff - then we bring it all back to our rooms. The actual "deployment" will be on Sunday afternoon, when we will be going off for three days of field exercises. That will be were we are paired up with a Chaplain's Assistant, and ALL the things we learned the last 5 weeks will be tested - hospital ministry, counseling, funerals, Casualty Notification, religious accommodations... Can't wait!! I will not be able to blog from there - but I'll fill you in when I get back on Wednesday!! Wish me luck on tomorrow's test! Good night...

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