Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day Two

I found out yesterday what our daily schedule will be. It is too good to be true. The morning begins at 0730, but that is when the 20 minutes for prayer is held. There is a Jewish Chapel in our building, and I now have my own time and place to pray every day. How awesome is that! Class starts at 0800, and they consist of 50-minute blocks and 10-minute breaks. At 1100 we break for 90 minutes, and the day ends at 1630 (4:30 PM).  Then, most of us will be working out, followed by dinner and homework/studying, such that it is. Wow. This is SO not COT!

I was chosen to be one of the drivers. I took a computer-based safety course, and am now authorized to drive one of the vans. That means I’ve got “wheels” to go back to my new best friend, Publix!

Today’s schedule was a whole-day seminar on a program for working with couples, given by a guest instructor. We almost finished it; the rest will be tomorrow. He has a great way of teaching – and a great way of talking! I learned a new Southern expression from him – “If something goes caddywampus…” Now, I looked it up, because I couldn’t believe that one. Turns out there are TWO versions of it:

Caddiwompas: The state of being grossly out of alignment, skewed, or uneven.
Example: There was so much weight piled on one side of the van, it sat caddiwompas.

Caddywampus: It means kittycorner, or askew.
Example: The tornado blew the house all caddywampus.
The liquor store is caddywampus from the Lovely Mullet Hair Say-lon.

I am still not sure which one he meant.

His other great comment of the day was when he said, “That would not be equalitarian… or egalitrarian… or something ‘etarian!”

Good night! (I’ll add pictures tomorrow)

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