Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day Three

The routine is beginning to set in. Get up between 0600 and 0630, shower, dress, eat breakfast, get to the schoolhouse by 0725, pray from 0730 to 0800, then class until 1100/1130 and then lunch until 1300. Class continues until 1630, and that it! Time to work out, eat dinner, get some work done and relax... and then do it all over again!

Today, we had a two-hour presentation about leadership. It was pretty useless, except for some priceless quotes from the presenter. Such as:

"Most people don't communicate; they take turns talking."
"If you ever get too big for your britches, you'll split your pants - and then people will see who you really are!"
"A leader who has no followers is a guy just going for a walk."

But he did provide a great definition of leadership: "Leadership is influencing people - by providing purpose, direction, and motivation - while accomplishing the mission and improving the organization." Nice.

After the break, we finished the couples counseling training that began on Tuesday. The rest of the day - and for the next two days - was spent learning a new marriage retreat program for couples. It is very interesting - but the best part was the video he showed; here's the link:

At 1630, we convened at the gym for some physical training. We did push ups, sit ups, squats, lunges, crunches, etc. for about a half hour. Then we ran. Let me tell you something; if you don't work out for a month and a half, you lose EVERYTHING. I was running like the Flash in March - and now I am DYING!!! That's okay - I'll get it back!

This evening, my new LDS friend came to my room, and we had an awesome conversation, continuing the tradition I established last year at COT - becoming friends with the LDS guys! Last year it was Bryce; this year it's Ryan...

I'm going to bed. For those of you seeing these posts on Facebook, bookmark the blog page - it's a better place to see the posts:

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