Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day Four

I am definitely a novelty among my fellow chaplains. A trend is beginning wherein my colleagues are "cutting" morning services to watch me pray! I had two on Tuesday and two more today... I don't get it, as it's certainly not much of a show.

We spent the rest of the day on the Marriage Retreat program we started yesterday. As the presenter keeps reiterating, "It's just another tool in your chaplain toolbox."

Seems one of my classmates spent nine months in Israel working on a Kibbutz, and started speaking pidgin Hebrew with me! Awesome!! We spoke a little back forth, and in doing so, blew the collective mind of the entire class - Love it!

After class, I met Chaplain, Major Soussan. Rabbi Soussan is an Army chaplain who teaches at the Army Chaplain School. He came to discuss my involvement with the base Jewish services on Sunday. There are two Jewish services held on Sunday (the military cannot allow structured services every day; it would not serve the "mission." So, as most servicemen worship on Sunday, that is the official day for Jewish services, as well), and as a chaplain-in-training, they want me stepping in and assuming responsibilities with the existing service. I'll probably just observe this week, step in next week, and eventually run the service. Should be awesome! There are thousands of army trainees on this base, and I am curious how many of them are Jews willing to "out" themselves...

I heard from the Chabad rabbi in town - he and his wife will be hosting me for Shabbos.  This Shabbos is the Yahrzeit (anniversary of the death) of my father, and I am so thankful that I will have a Jewish community and a Minyan (a prayer quorum) with whom to spend that day.

1 comment:

  1. It is always good to see such an honorable chaplain at work Rabbi. I love the devotion of Judaism. I am glad to hear you have found a community here in Columbia. I wonder if I could go with you on one Shabbos sometime these next 5 weeks? It is awesome to know you.

